In an interview at Geo TV's "Mere Mutabiq" last night, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto's 41 year old friend,Narmeen Hasan Khan said that Asif and Bibi's people would always be different. She raised curtain from some minor hidden aspects of life of Bibi's family, but one of these aspects was little shocking, when she told that she used to know Asif before their marriage and "he [Asif] would also tease me [Narmeen], or tries to hug me and I said, DISTANCE! you know I don't hug men" .. and then Asif says to his wife, you see, your friend narmeen does not come close to me now".
Please find the attached audio [sorry for little bad sound quality]. Go through it and give me your feed back as to how you find it. We have not forgotten Asif's hug statement to Paulin. Unfortunately Asif doesn't consider it BAD to hug any females.
This also gives us an insight of women who are part of Asif's team in current political set up. What can I say? What morals the president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has.
This clip also tells us that Bibi and Asif were never in a TRUST relation with each other. I wonder why Bibi made him the co-chairman of PPP in her last will.

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