Jan 20, 2009

Mumbai Attack's Evidence Provided to Pakistan by Indian Government

Mumbai Attack's Evidence Provided to Pakistan by Indian Government

This is the complete copy of evidences

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  1. How these images can be said to evidence?

  2. This Looks like a good planning. But If they are true, then must give the chance to Pakistani security agencies to interrogate the AJMAL KASAB and other evidences.

    If they do not allow this, then who will beleive on these pictures. These things they belong to them can be found anywhere.

    It is not difficult to add the tag of 'Made in Pakistan' to anything. like jackets etc.

    And Nobody can believe on these evidences.

  3. Well it seems very clear that the items are Pakistan based and they are recovered from the terrorists. Now, this is not possible for a country like INDIA to allow ISI or any other intellegence agency to get in-contact with there Intellegence.Its dangerous.

  4. Nauman and Shahzad, since you have been raised to hate Non Moslims and India, you can claim all Evidence is fake but deep in your hearts you know, ISI caused Mumbai Attacks.

    You have full knowledge, how when like Zardari, Nawaz Sharif had tried to better relations with India, Pak Army had ruined the dialogue by its secret invasion of Kargil at first blaming on MojaahiDeen without permission of elected Government of Pakistan.

    You know Pak Army does not want any good relations with India because it would reduce its importance. Pak Army wants to keep extorting half to 3/4th of Budget of poor Pakistan every year to remain so strong that its secret and covert rule from behind the curtain during Democratic Phases of Pakistan can remain intact.

    If Pak Army did not remain so strong, it may not remain able to keep conquering Pakistan again and again either so, it wants to keep extorting the Budget Money of Pakistan on the price of welfare of poor Pakistanis, industrial growth, progress, advancement, Infrastructure Development, Education and Health Care Fundings of Pakistan to keep Pakistan a poor country.

    Greedy Pak Army's Fauji Foundation is the largest and richest Business Empire of Pakistan. No Military Officer retires poor. Pak Army is un-elected secret ruler of Pakistan and actually an Enemy of Pakistanis and Pakistan.

  5. Page 16 is missing SIR

  6. A special report published in DAWN newspaper of Pakistan on 12 December 2008 captioned "Crackdown hints at Faridkot-Mumbai link" suggested that Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani. The next day Geo News also repoted similar findings. What the critics like Shehzad and Nauman will say about it. I think they will deny it too because such people are really raised to hate Non Muslims and India.

  7. Re: S U Turkman said... (January 20, 2009 11:42 PM )

    Its very nice to see you Turkman and i know you because of your YAHOO group mails. Well dear will tell just one thing when Terrorists are coming to India from Pakistan they buy Dew (Cold Drink) from Pakistan so that they will drink it when they will reach in Mumbai? very logical han????? Whether ISI is involved in this terrorism or not these evidences are just Jokes..... only jokes.

    I am sure ISI will never do such shame full acts they might be militants but never Pakistan army!!!

  8. R: Anonymous said...
    Page 16 is missing SIR
    January 21, 2009 2:39 AM

    Page 16 is added now.... Thanks dear

  9. S. U Turkman must be incharge of RAW, soooo intelligent. Those terrorists were keeping all silly stuff with them till end they die just to show that 'YES, we were pakistani' they were having detergents, match boxes and all silly stuff with them....wow! You know deep in your heart, this all drama was played to attain multiple objects, like killing Himent who uncovered fanatic hindus, to gain public sympathy for fanatics, to pressurise Pakistan and start surgical attacks like us. Ajmal and other dead guys, which never shown to media were arrested from nepal and india. The all game plan was done by indian fanatics and RAW commandos. The put one character resembled like Ajmal Qassab and showed him on cameras. rest how they killed Pakistani prisoners and terrorised ajmal, everyone knows in india. india tried to be a smart insight planner as us did for 9/11 but drama is not giving her all results it ever wanted.
    Many hindu terrorists are involved in FATA and baluchistan and they are doing all being as a fanatic muslim. what RAW is doing through Kabul is all clear now.

  10. [
    Those terrorists were keeping all silly stuff with them till end they die just to show that 'YES, we were pakistani' they were having detergents, match boxes and all silly stuff with them....wow! You know deep in your heart, this all drama was played to attain multiple objects, like killing Himent who uncovered fanatic hindus, to gain public sympathy for fanatics, to pressurise Pakistan and start surgical attacks like us. Ajmal and other dead guys, which never shown to media were arrested from nepal and india. The all game plan was done by indian fanatics and RAW commandos. The put one character resembled like Ajmal Qassab and showed him on cameras. rest how they killed Pakistani prisoners and terrorised ajmal, everyone knows in india. india tried to be a smart insight planner as us did for 9/11 but drama is not giving her all results it ever wanted.
    Many hindu terrorists are involved in FATA and baluchistan and they are doing all being as a fanatic muslim. what RAW is doing through Kabul is all clear now.

    web editor.
    Khabrain International,
    A Gelinesvei 35, 0657 Oslo - Norway


  11. A good analysis of this evidence

  12. Normally I do not post comments on web as it is time consuming but its necessary now.
    Let us look at our History (Previous Data).

    Starts from 1956
    57-69 General Ayub
    69-71 General Yahya
    We lost our one part. it takes 10 years minimum to make or brake a country.......
    77-88 General Zia (Produces Taliban, Lashkari-Tyba, MQM, Sipah Sahaba, Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, Sipah-i-Mustafa.etcccccc). all these are out of control now.
    99-08 General Musharaf (we r in fight with Taliban, Sawat people, Lal masjid people, Fata people)
    If any genius has some doubts, all my sympathies r with him and with my nation..................................

  13. I am back again first of all sorry to my Indian fellows because i know for most of the "so called patriot" my comments will be very harsh and they gona declare me agent of ISI lol... well nothing to worry for me as i am living in a land where every one has a freedom of expression (UK).
    I have gone through all these evidances in details and I tried to convince my self as a neutral person and as being Indian... but sorry to say all these evidances are totally rubbish.. i feel really sad being a indian that couldnt even make a valid document..
    believe or not these documents are childish... if you havent gone through these den i would request you guys to go through these documents and I am sure you wont need a SPY eye to find that these eligations are fake and stupid..
    And if any one of do not agree with what I said den just pop up me a question and being an ordinary person ,having a very little information about the agencies and their operation I CAN DISPROVE these evidances..
    i am again saying dont declare me ISI agent i am proud to be indian and love india as much as any of you .
    Rekesh (chanai) working in UK

  14. Hi,

    MR SAQIB looks quite a historic and political person. But, you seem abit biased there. As per my thinking and knowledge, first of all Pakistan can not servive with a decmocartic team only like some euoropean countries. They need a big and strong army cause you accept it or not , we are surrounded by some tough countries.

    Secondly, well I have never been a big fan of Pakistan Politics either. The reason is simple, we are trying out the democracy which is not for us. Its for the countries where PPL are much educated and have there rights and most importantly know there rights. Here, Asif Ali Zardari has been elected as the president , For GOd Sack dont tell me after Musharaf when the political parties came into Power they only got this person to lead.

    As per your mentioned eras like Ayub , he done some bad stuff but he also done some good stuff too, like your industries dams etc, Yahya ....... I dont like him at all...but in break up this stupid was also supported by our political forces too and one of our beloved leader Z A Bhutto was invloved too ....... ZIA well his time was very crucial ..... the Afghan War was very important for us too and I think that afghan victory well some how goes into some good credits of ZIA ..... Musharaf ... well economically he has been good ....politically poor and LAL MASJID incidence was handled really worstly ..... but I will also blame the political parties here who supported such things...like PPP supported LAL MAsjid operation ...... PML N came no way near that issue ..... MMA should have played his role .....rest MQM well they are th ebiggest in this terror regim and PML Q well dont say any thing about them.....

    Now what this government is doing is totally backing up Musharrafs policies , they dont even have the courage to make the judicial system right on the basis of which they begged for votes.

    Now the question will automatically arise that which system suites us and in my opinion till the time we dont educate our ppl and make the understand what there rights are and we are not aware of what our leaders should be NO SYSTEM will run,

  15. Hi,

    To the INDIAN ppl:

    INDIA and PAKISTAN both are very emotional counties. Its natural in our situation that we will blame each other in such issues like Mumbai attacks and terrorism in Pakistan. But the only issue her is that the "Evidence". I mean the Evidence provided by INDIAN government is really childish. Not even a single evidence looks convincing. Only focus is on Ajmal Kasab , what about the rest of the Nine PPL? I mean who carries PIckle and Mountain Dew and detergents to a terrorist activity. Also, I mean we are a Nation of over 16 crore now and we all are blaming the terrorist attacks on Mumbai and what INDIA comes up with is a story told to them during Investigation by Ajmal Kasab and the evidances like Pickle. That's not a good going.

    Make sure that this is not one of the political drama before the elections cause these kind of dramas are very common in the world to gain support.

  16. Well, SAQIB you only see things in a minimum scope. You are not looking at the global picture during those eras of ZIA and Musharaf. They have sustained very bad international pressures too (not very impressivly but still), our political forces have never been that great.

  17. "AJMAL KASAB IS A PAKISTANI"....... what does this means? that all the terrorist operation was created and executed by Pakistan? WRONG!!!

    If you want to create a story its very simple. lets read this story " Ajmal Kasab was under-cover agent of RAW in Pakistan and has been chosen to carryout operations in MIMBAI with INDIAN Commandos. They did not killed Ajmal Kasab because he was there own agent and they killed nine innocent fishermen captured kast year in india ocean and showed them as terrorists and there commandos has moved out of the scene in the three day MUMBAI drama" ............................SO hows the story .................... I mean every person can come up with a story and dont think what you are listening in the media is always true

  18. "S U Turkman"

    Congratulations on getting every thing right.

    Well, India has never had a Martial Law but still the poverty in INDIA is way more than Pakistan. Every country needs Army dude. What about Indian Budget? What about Indian Crraze of arms race? Nothing is different accross the boders.

    As far as hating India is concerned, dont give us the reason to hate and solve the biggest issue "Kashmir" according to UN resolutions.

  19. Yes
    AJMAL KASAB could be a PAKISTANI citizen

    India used to arrest innocent Pakistani's when they go there to meet there relatives.
    Many cases are in front of us.
    Today on 16 of December,a report has been issued by indian televisions in which ajmal kasab confessed that he was arrested 10 days before the attacks.
    RAW just put the blame on his name.

    many boats and fisherman from both india and Pakistan crossed each others border bcoz there is nothing to define the border in the sea.

    the boat indians claim was used in the attacks
    has Pakistani engine.
    well,the boat could have been of anyone of those fisherman.

    The evidences which are provided such as milk,toothpaste etc.they are just silly evidences.Touch me shaving cream is a 10 year old product.
    for GOD's sake indian's we are modern now
    i don't think any one use touchme now
    they must have found this cream from some Pakistani's bag who must have been got caught while visiting his relatives.
    some of the things in evidence,i have never seen their packing like this.They are very different.

    If Pakistan wants to provide evidences against Indian interference and terrorist activities in Pakistan,it would be relatively large and will be much more logical and authentic.

    another thing i remember,
    in this report they mentioned that they arrested ajmal kasab from the road means he was never able to reach nay of the hotel.
    but according to CCTV footages,indian media was
    showing that ajmal kasab was in taj hotel.
    he was destroying the hotels property.

    Indians are such silly fools
    and our government is biggest fool
    who accepted these evidences.


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