Jul 12, 2015

Pack your bags, no more party, sit in fame DJ Butt under hot waters

Imran Khan with DJ Butt. PHOTO: @ALIKANCHWALA
On one side DJ butt asking for his funds while on other side he is been served by huge tax notice. no way out for Butt.
It seems that the sit in fame PTI supporter DJ Butt is going through a bad patch. Few days back news were flashing on all tv screens that DJ’s payment has not been cleared by the party and he seeks help of media for his funds to be realsed asap.

On the other hand party leadership denied the statement of DJ Butt and said they have paid him more than we decided. Now DJ butt is trying to blackmail them.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf refuted on Saturday Muhammad Asif aka DJ Butt’s claims that the party owes him Rs80 million for his services at their sit-in in Islamabad last year.

Reports suggest the committee has sent their report to the central leadership of the party, suggesting that no further amount should be paid to the entertainer whose beats punctuated political rhetoric at the PTI sit-in.

Further, Punjab Revenue Authority has issued a tax notice to DJ Butt for Rs17 million and summoned him on July 23 for neither registering himself nor paying due sales tax to Punjab government.

“As per definite information available on record you, DJ Butt have provided taxable services during the tax period mentioned above but you failed to deposit the amount of sales tax of Rs17,260,000.”

The notice issued stated DJ Butt has neither registered himself with PRA nor made payment of due sales tax to Punjab government or PRA.

Reacting to the notice, Butt said he was already under debt for non-payment from PTI and is considering going to court against the notice.

It seems that holy month did not bring him good news yet but maybe he can get some way out of it. It was also told by some sources that DJ does not own such a big business for which he has to be payable for such huge tax.

Link related to blog: Tribune

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