Jan 6, 2009

Pakistan using terrorism as state policy: Indian PM

Pakistan using terrorism as state policy: Indian PM
  Updated at: 1055 PST, Tuesday, January 06, 2009  
  NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday once again blamed Pakistan for whipping up war hysteria and using terrorism as state policy.

" Pakistan was whipping up war hysteria, and that the Mumbai attacks must have had support from some official agencies within Pakistan", Singh told a security conference in New Delhi

"The terrorist attack in Mumbai in November last year was carried out by the Lashkar-e-Taiba."

Manmohan Singh said foreigners had been targeted in the Mumbai attacks to convey instability in India.

Dr Singh said that most of the terrorists act in connivance with intelligence agencies in neighbouring countries.

While commenting on the challenges faced by India, the Indian Prime Minister said that problems faced by our country are compounded by vulnerable security environment and fragile governments in the neighbouring countries.

He further stressed on the need for a holistic approach to deal with the menace of terrorism.

Underlining the need to review the current security set-up, the Indian Prime Minister called for better co-ordination among various wings of intelligence. A review of the training and equipment for the security forces was also called for, he added.

The PM said infiltration was also taking place from Bangladesh and Nepal though it had not ceased from the Line of Control (LoC).

Manmohan Singh said that India must "implement a policy of zero tolerance" towards terrorism and few countries had suffered from terror attacks in the way that India had.

Stressing that terror should not be conceptualised solely in military terms, the PM stated, "We must ensure the concept of terrorism is delegitimised."

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