Jun 3, 2009

Corruption of Mr. M. Malick & Najir Naji [Jang Group/ Geo TV]

We have been following the shenanigans of our media moguls and the mongrels that they breed.  The mongrels are either Taliban lovers or a frauds like M. Malick and Nazir Nagi.  The moguls themselves are hugely suspect in their respect for true integrity and good governance.

You were the only sign of integrity on the show conducted by Mr M. Malick in which featured a regular Taliban supporter Irfan Siddique, the man infatuated with numbers, F. Saleem, you and the evergreen Nazir Nagi who has recently been disgraced in the plot allocation scandal. Mr Malick, as you know, heads The News office in Pindi and appears on Geo fronting his own chat program.

It was hilarious to watch the compere M. Malick talk about good governance and the need for finding a solution to the national problem of the insurgency in the North.  Here is a man whose company Media Magic owes PTV tons of money.  To top that his wife's company, Pink Productions owes even more - details are provided below.


Kindly note the attachments that list the details of the allocation of government land to these already well-heeled journos - sadly a disgrace to the community of honest journalists, which in Pakistan is a very small breed now.  Chaps like Rauf Klasra and others who write as if they are the paragons of honesty have been shown to have obtained illegal favors from the government.

We urge you, Khalique Sahib to expose through your excellent weekly column the rotten media functionaries and their masters who tolerate the unethical ways of their workers.  Kindly ask your friends who write op-eds in newspapers to expose the corruption that has got hold of so many of our top journalists.



For Yellow Journalism Watch



Attachments:  Naji Allotement-P-1, Naji Allotement-P-2, Malick Allotment-P-1, Malick Allotment-P-2, FGEHF letter-P-1, FGEHF letter-P-2


A summary of Mr Malick's record: 

  1. Illegal allotment of one canal of land in Sector  G-14, Islamabad.


  1. Defaulter of PTV as shown in the audit report of PTV, conducted by international company KPMG, which we had circulated earlier.





Name of Company


Amount Rs. (million)

1. Media Magic          

Mohammad Malick


2. Pink Production   

Amila Malick wife of Mohammad Malick


3 Media Magic CH-3           

Amila Malick




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