56 years old, Madonna faced a tumble during Brit Awards when
she was giving a performance. Her wardrobe malfunction cause her tumble from
the stairs while her cape was tied too might which didn’t let her move forward.
Madonna said 'I could either be strangled or fall and I
chose to fall'. She also revealed in an interview to international media that she
suffered whiplash in the fall and that a doctor attended to her
until 3:00 am the following morning."I didn't hurt my butt but I hurt
my head. I had a little bit of whiplash; I smacked the back of my head. I had a
man standing over me with a flashlight until about am to make sure I was
compos mentis."
Madonna's spectacular fall was a result of a last-minute
change in her performance. "I was told to tie my cape and start much
further back and I had to walk further and everyone was worried my cape was
going to slide off so they tied it really tight," she said.
"So here I am marching in like the queen, I got to the
top of the stairs and I pulled the slinky string and it wouldn't come
undone. My two lovely Japanese dancers, they strangled me off the stage. I
could either be strangled or fall and I chose to fall."
Internet was full of her memes while some supported her and said
accidents at work happen and it’s not her fall. She said she is fine and
started performing again. This is professionalism and regardless of her pain,
she let the show go on. Madonna’s supporters on internet and social media
criticized those who made fun of her.
Everything happens to celebs is not fun always, they also
suffer from accidents and wardrobe malfunctions. Madonna also says she is
afraid of wearing capes now, now she should be.
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